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Старый 27.06.2012, 13:58   #1
статус: новичок в бухгалтерии
Регистрация: 27.06.2012
Адрес: Москва
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По умолчанию Accountant, Fixed Assets (Moscow)

В одну из крупнейших международных нефтегазовых компаний мира требуется бухгалтер на участок основные средства.

Кратко по требованиям: опыт на ОС от года, МСФО, английский, достаточный для общения с экспатами и начальством за рубежом. По з.п.: от 50 000 руб. нетто. Территориально: БЦ в 7-10 мин. пешком от Речного вокзала.

Описание следует ниже, если заинтересует, со мной можно связаться:

по почте: sotskova@avenir.ru
по телефону: рабочий + 7 495 980 7606 (с 9 до 18 точно на месте), мобильный +7 962 963 8035

С уважением,

Job Description
One of the world leaders in Oil&Gas sector is searching for a Fixed Assets Accountant (Moscow)

Duties and responsibilities:
Report projects (reports on structure, actual costs, plans, dates)

Ensuring that documents received from contractors correspond to Russian accounting and tax legislation;

Ensuring timely receipt of documents from contractors;

Timely creation of projects, POs and SESs in GSAP;

Timely and correct preparation of spreadsheets with assets to be capitalized, indicating all necessary parameters for each type of the three accounting methods: group (IFRS), statutory and tax;

Calculate value of each asset taking into account direct costs and allocating indirect costs, before capitalization prepare and submit a spreadsheet with list of all assets to be capitalized and their respective values; to ensure that each retail site is capitalized in the month when the retail site starts operations;

Seek advice from the Company's Tax advisor and Controllers regarding tax and accounting treatment of some costs in complicated cases;

Respond to Krakow SBSC Fixed Assets team on any questions which they may have in respect of fixed assets accounting;

Support the Company's Tax Controllers during tax audits and external audits in respect of transactions with fixed assets;

Report on dates of future capitalizations;

Control correctness of transactions with fixed assets in GSAP and prepare manual entries in GSAP to correct fixed assets accounting, when needed;
Prepare accruals for CAPEX, when needed;

Support asset creation (initiate requests to create assets, change MRD) & retirement

Support asset verification program

Any other ad hoc activities, related to fixed assets accounting.

Main requirements:
Education: accounting

Experience in accounting at fixed assets -1-2 years

English – Upper Intermediate or higher

SAP knowledge – preferably
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