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Опции темы Поиск в этой теме Опции просмотра
Старый 02.07.2007, 14:55   #1
статус: начинающий бухгалтер
Регистрация: 02.07.2007
Сообщений: 10
Спасибо: 0
По умолчанию Leading Training Consultant, $4000 (Москва)

Компания, входящая в четверку лидеров в области аудита, приглашает на работу Leading Training Consultant (Client Training, IFRS group):

Job profile:
• Participaining in IFRS consulting projects to make client self-capable in preparation of IFRS Financial statements
• Partcicpate in designing, development and delivery of training and consulting solutions on IFRS
• Managing of client relationships and ensuring deliverables are achieved on a timely basis
• Working closely with external clients on identifying their training and consulting needs in the area of IFRS
• Supervising administrative support resources to ensure their work is completed to the required standards of quality

Candidate’s profile:
• You are a Russian citizen
• You have at least 4 years experience in Russian accounting, know Russian chart of accounts and accounting policies in detail (proved by working experience as a chief accountant / deputy chief accountant or team leader of an audit team)
• You have desire to be involved in training (consulting) and development area (design and delivery) - past experience in this area is a plus
• You possess good communication skills, including some spoken English
• You are a confident and able speaker in front of small groups of people (good coaching skills)
• You are a proven team-player, mature to build and maintain successful client relationships
• You have a strong commitment to professional development & analytical skills

Просьба высылать резюме по e-mail: hr@it-graduate.ru с пометкой кода вакансии: PC-EK-01-GL.
Контактная информация:
+7 (495) 624-8889
+7 (926) 342-9264
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Полезности: Что лучше: ООО или ИП? калькулятор НДС Книги по бухгалтерскому учету Иностранец в России: на что стоит обратить внимание при трудоустройстве
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