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Вернуться   Главбух форум бухгалтеров, бухгалтерский форум Главбух по налогам, учету, 1С. > Обучение > Предлагаю работу (вакансии в компаниях)

Опции темы Поиск в этой теме Опции просмотра
Старый 06.09.2013, 13:12   #1
статус: новичок в бухгалтерии
Регистрация: 06.09.2013
Сообщений: 1
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По умолчанию Аccountant (Аccounts Receivables) - Moscow

•basic 1C knowledge
•good communication skills
•University degree in finance or accounting (probably, students of senior courses).

•contact clients regarding outstanding payments, missing contracts, accounting documentation;
•collect and store all required account receivable documentation. Prepare invoices and other documentations related to services provided by the company;
•work with clients regarding contracts;
•record all transactions relating to collections in 1C, Western Accounting programm and CRM (client's database);
•sell tickets to clients for all events where tickets are sold;
•maintain Petty cash (including transactions with the cash register);
•maintain Advance reports and computation with employees;
•record all transactions relating to Petty Cash in 1C;
•deliver tax reports to the Tax authorities as needed;
•manage all registration documents required for the financial operations of the company;
•assist the Chief Accountant with various accounting tasks, as needed.

The company offers a competitive salary and an attractive social package.

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