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Старый 16.07.2008, 14:09   #1
статус: новичок в бухгалтерии
Регистрация: 31.08.2006
Сообщений: 2
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По умолчанию Заместитель главного бухгалтера (крупная компания в СПБ)

Position: Deputy Chief Accountant

Reports to: Financial Controller

Job Description / Main accountabilities
1.Responsibility for running the company’s books in line with the Russian accounting rules and statutory requirements.
2.Maintaining proper documentation to ensure compliance with Russian statutory tax regulations and liaising with the relevant tax authority on behalf of the company.
3.Responsibility for Russian taxes and report calculations for 2 legal entities (taxes: VAT, Profit tax, Property tax, Social taxes, Income tax).
4.Responsibility for being the primary liaising person with statistics and other state authorities.
5.Assisting, from the Russian accounting perspective, in any matters relating to corporate reports and audit process.
6.Provides managerial leadership to 6-7 accounting employees

Desired skills
1.Qualified Russian accountant.
7.Sound knowledge of local accounting and taxation practices and regulations.
8.Hands on knowledge of computerised accounts packages together with sound spreadsheet and word-processing skills, both in Russian and English.
9.Excellent communication skills, with the ability to think and communicate clearly and deal with internal and external contacts at all levels.
10.Flexibility and team approach that would enable the candidate to work in a dynamic office environment.

Contacts: (812) 327-75-55, ekaterina.belova@staffstandard.com
11.Intermediate English.
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